Friday, October 4, 2013

Why Are My Blogger Photos Missing?

I came to my site today 
And found that all of my images are gone.
I did some research on the web
Regarding this
I thought that maybe my photos were breaking rules.
But, it 's not.
Apparently, people have been having this problem
Since like, long ago, even back to 2007
As I've seen this question asked in the
Blogger Forum.

So, I definitely know this is a gliche for sure.
I might have to move my blog to wordpress,
But, I love the fact that my G+ friends
Get to see what I post
After I post a topic
So, I would lose their friendships.

Okay, well maybe not.
I won't be moving to wordpress.
Does wordpress have a G+ similar to blogger?
I need to check that out.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Feeling Irie!

I'm so excited to see what the future will bring.
God is good!
Two amazing things happened yesterday
The first being the return of some belongings
I had lost as a teenager.
Miraculously appeared in my hands again.
With items of gold and silver
Worth over $1,000 bucks.

Then, joining this awesome co-op that Really works.
I promise you it does.
I just got two sales in like 2 days.
And it keeps coming in like an avalanche.

First time I have ever, ever,
experienced this kind of success in a co-op
in such a short period of time.
I guess I am in at the beginning
Where the co-op is not saturated.

The only thing I don't know what to do
Is what to do with all the leads
and the sign ups.
Now, that's a good problem now isn't it.

I've never done this before.

Marketing gurus are awesome.
i wish I knew their marketing tricks
But, hey if I can pay someone to do it.
Why not!!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Golden Hour Sunset

Today was a beautiful sunset as I watched 
my son surfing on the west side of the island.  
He didn't want to get out of the water.  
Just stayed in until the very last 
peek of the sun was gone.  
Although it was dark and cold by now,
the beautiful orange and purple hues 
Lit up the sky.

I wondered about the various ways
I could earn money by sitting on the beach
Taking my son surfing.
I feel like I'm losing my time
Because I feel the urge to earn money,
And help my husband pay for some bills
But, at the same time,
It's going to be a memory that will last forever.

So, I bought into the co-op and well
I'll let you all know if this is finally 
The co-op for the average person 
Like you and Me.

They say it launches on Wed.
They never told me that before I bought the co-op
I thought I was going to be 
raking in some dough before the end of the night,
But, not going to be happening like that.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

On To Something More Real

It's hard to determine nowadays,
What will last longer than a week.
It's been a tough year.
Nothing I've gotten into has lasted long enough
To really earn big.

But, I am changing it up a little.
I am going to jump on board.
And I went all in.
So, let's see what comes of this one.
It's not an MLM or HYIP/ Money Cycler.
This one is strictly business.
And I feel happy about promoting it
Because it is based on an individuals ability
to adapt and try the methods taught.

So, wish me luck.
I really need to make this one work,
If not, it's back to the 9-5 grind

I know you've seen it around the net.
But, I've joined with a group that offers an
Advertising Coop which I need desperately
and with that option you are going to be able
to get a down line.

I wish everyone luck in their online endeavors

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Not So 1nstant Today

This one launched two days ago.
Did a test withdrawal yesterday.
And that was 1nstant.
But, did a withdrawal this morning and
well, look at the photo..........
Yep, totally, processing.
What's up with that.
Everyone else has gotten their's one paid.
I guess it's not so 1nstant after all.

I must have hit a glitch in the system.
Would like to have that corrected asap.

Hope this doesn't show the beginnings of a gliche
which eventually causes a program to fail.

Monday, September 23, 2013

On The Attack Mode

I feel bad for admin of Yougetprofit.
They've been getting major DDos attacks 
Since trying to launch their program.
These are the same owners as the long time paying
Program called Twickerz.
Many have been having problems
Trying to access the website.
They had two major attacks in two weeks.
I hope they can overcome it.
Because I believe this can be a long earning program.
Since first of all, they have experience,
Second, they have a long time paying program.
It's no wonder someone wants to bring 
them down.

So, let's hope they can get back on track.
get their system going and we
can all start earning there.

Other than that:
Jubyadbank has fallen.  Do not go there.

Pnenow is Paying
Centurion is paying.
theadsbazaar is paying
testing yougetprofits

have a great earning day!!!!