Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Does it Really Work For Everyone?

Offline News.  I just found out that my husband's friend's wife decided to jump
way, way over to the other side of the fence.
She decided she would be happier with another woman.
He's so in shock, he doesn't know how to react.
Mainly because he took her from her original husband.
And that's another story.
Took in all her children,
Cared for them as his own,
Only to find, she likes women.
Confused, he's not sure how he's supposed to react to the situation.
Her children still lives with him.....

Back to the Online world with it's own DRAMA:
Have you seen that program called DS Domination going around the net lately?
Is it for real or what?
I actually attended this training about a year ago with my favorite online guru, Hitesh
I like his style because I feel like he's honest.
And there is no holding back as to what he's doing online to earn.
Only problem is, I didn't feel comfortable doing what they said to do
Buy from Amazon or Walmart, sell it on Ebay.
I didn't think that you could actually make money.

But, there has been a revival of this method of earning online recently.
And, I can kick myself for not trying it earlier.
But, hey, there's a season for all things right?

I frequent the forums and the facebook pages to see if there are any
Testimonials about DS Domination and this method that is being taught
and I like what I'm hearing.

I know it could probably take up a lot of time,
but, if you are willing to go the extra mile to make money, hey, why not try it right?

The only downside I see is that you are going to spend more hours on the internet
copy and pasting the info from one site to the other,
Could just hurt your butt and ego if no one buys the products you feel they would like,
And of course wasted hours if no one buys.
But, hey, who doesn't already waste hours on the internet now?

The other thing they don't mention often is that,
Well, you actually have to have some money in your own bank account,
to purchase the items, FIRST, from Amazon or Walmart and then,
Ship it to the buyer.
Why?  Because when they purchase it from Ebay and pay via Paypal,
Paypal will put a hold on the money until you show proof that the item has been sent.

Now on to other stuff.

JubyAdBank- I feel butterflies in my stomach.  Waiting to see what new exciting things it will bring us.  They gave us new banners to use.  Check out the side panel on the right.---->>>>>

Woke up this morning to this information in my back office.
Yep, my account stats.  I would say disregard the $528.90.  I don't even know why they calculate it that way.

Okay, see that Misc. Account credits?
That is for PTC (Paid-to-Click).
You get .02 cents for every click you make.
There was only one banner available.

And yes, the amount I transferred every time I made a purchase I got instant 20% back.
So, actually, it didn't matter how much I deposited, it was automatic.
Then, as soon as I got it,
I purchased more ad space.
So, now I am actually up to $380 dollars worth in ad space and climbing each day.
I feel happy my STP account is going to be full again.

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